Wow tonight my wife was taking a cab home from Mankato. They stopped the cab. Driver drunk from ws transport llc. The cab was. Stopped at. 10:40pm. Now. 2:24 And she still stuck in cab. With drunk driver in back with her and officer Joseph. Hasn't dropped of wife to Casey's like driver supposed. To. Looks like inacent ppl fall to victim at the hands of law enforcement in waseca a joke. Thought them picking on teens was bad. Now they pick on. One legged vulnerable adults too
Wow tonight my wife was taking a cab home from Mankato. They stopped the cab. Driver drunk from ws transport llc. The cab was. Stopped at. 10:40pm. Now. 2:24 And she still stuck in cab. With drunk driver in back with her and officer Joseph. Hasn't dropped of wife to Casey's like driver supposed. To. Looks like inacent ppl fall to victim at the hands of law enforcement in waseca a joke. Thought them picking on teens was bad. Now they pick on. One legged vulnerable adults too